Ep 109: The Science and the Magic behind the Moon with YVG5O

March 19, 2019 01:00:52
Ep 109: The Science and the Magic behind the Moon with YVG5O
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Ep 109: The Science and the Magic behind the Moon with YVG5O

Mar 19 2019 | 01:00:52


Hosted By

Anna Niescieruk Marta Rodriguez-Karpowicz

Show Notes

The Moon has been fascinating people since the beginning of… the Moon :) Our closest celestial companion, Moon inspires curiosity, scientific questions, legends & myths , art and poetry… Is Moon our natural satellite or was it placed on our orbit? Did we ever land on the Moon? What’s on its dark side? Tune in and join us for this rather unusual episode where our special guest is the Moon herself!


In This Episode We Discussed:

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