Ep 117: Coming back to the roots of Storytelling with Cathy Perez, Estefania Zarate Angarita and Marta Rodriguez-Karpowicz

Episode 117 June 04, 2019 00:50:18
Ep 117: Coming back to the roots of Storytelling with Cathy Perez, Estefania Zarate Angarita and Marta Rodriguez-Karpowicz
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Ep 117: Coming back to the roots of Storytelling with Cathy Perez, Estefania Zarate Angarita and Marta Rodriguez-Karpowicz

Jun 04 2019 | 00:50:18


Hosted By

Anna Niescieruk Marta Rodriguez-Karpowicz

Show Notes

This episode is extraordinary for many reasons. First of all, my beloved co-hostess, Anna is out enjoying her Maternity Leave, second of all I managed to get an amazing lady: Estefanía Zárate Angarita to co-host with me. Third of all, we got an amazing guest Cathy Perez, who brought her beautiful presence and opened her heart. And last but not least, it was all in the spirit of a fascinating topic of storytelling.

In This Episode We Discussed:

What's Special About Cathy?

Cathy Perez is not only a natural-born networker and an event organizer but also a woman with a purpose and a worthwhile mission at heart: To connect and to inspire people. Born and raised in the Philippines, with 8-years experience of living in China (where she managed to learn how to order a taxi and make groceries’ shopping… in Chinese!), a couple of years ago, Cathy moved to Denmark for her now-husband.

In Scandinavia she has experienced a cultural shock - living all her life in huge cities she has found herself in a small Danish town where she wasn’t initially able to build any connections. When after some time, Cathy and her husband moved to Arhus, she has decided to do something about and kick started Linked-In Local

Her spontaneous idea turned into a movement - today Cathy is preparing her seventh Arhus LinkedIn Local. Additionally, being a power woman as she is, Cathy has recently opened a webshop www.merrea.com a brand with heart. Behind merrea are women and men who only want better lives for their children, communities that wanted to survive and thus need our support, our thoughtfulness, our consideration. That is still not enough for Cathy, she's also making sure that start-ups are supported through a new initiative: Time Angels.

How To Find Cathy?

Cathy's LinkedIn

Cathy’s Webpage

Cathy’s Facebook

A bit about my temporary co-hostess Estefanía Zárate Angarita!

Estefanía's LinkedIn

Estefania's Website

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