Was Britney Spears president’s Bush secret agent? Who is Mambe & Danochilango? Can you go back on the stage and play a kick-ass gig when your twin babies are only 2 months old? How can you find THE REAL YOU and feel the thrill of pursuing your passion while your life is dominated by raising little children? And what on Earth are BossBattle Bunnies? These, any many more interesting (and bizarre) questions only on You’ve Got 5 Options Radio Show!
ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Interview with Mambe from Mambe & Danochilango
I am a mum and I have an impression that this fact has consumed my identity. I forgot my dreams and passions and became a servant to a couple of small people’s needs and passions. And I was really happy for a while, but now I am longing to be myself again. The biggest challenge is that I don’t even know anymore what does that really mean. I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. How do I come back to being me and rediscover my passions? How do I create time for that?
Britney Spears Was On George Bush's Payroll
Club 27 sold their souls to the devil to become famous
Beyonce is “functionally retarded”
Mili Vanilli is not an exception - it’s a norm that “pop stars” use session musicians on their albums, pretending it’s their own voice
Music Industry is controlled by Illuminati
DISCLAIMER: All discussed conspiracy theories are theories only and should be treated as such. It is not our goal or intention to harm or discredit any of the discussed artists.
“Motherhood has definitely been the most humbling experience in my life. It just turns your world upside down… over and over again. It gets you places where you can prove that you are a Superhuman: you can live on no sleep and barely any food for days… right after you have withstood the immense pain of giving birth. But it may also take some of us to dark places where we act like Under-humans; we can feel so trapped and overwhelmed that we just lash out. Motherhood will give you your most precious memories, but it will likely also present you with your most regretful and difficult moments.
And the pressure is high. The pressure from the society, from the family, from your partner, from media, from your kids, from other mothers and ABOVE ALL from Yourself! It can be immense. You may never get motherhood right in all other peoples’ eyes. But you CAN try to get it right in your own eyes. At least sometimes. Maybe even, if you’re really, really lucky… most of the time?.”
Quote from article My 5 Steps Journey To Realizing That I Will NEVER Be A Good Mum by Marta Rodriguez-Karpowicz
FROM THE LEFT WEEK: BossBattle Bunnies - Coolest Card Deck Game ever :)
Check out the Game on Kickstarter and support Wouter by spreading a word!
INTRO and jingles for the show produced by Supermoon Music Recording Studio
Global/Ethnic Bass Duo-Sonicravellers, worthy citizens of the global village, their music travels through genres as diverse as Tribal, Kuduro, Dancehall, Hip Hop, Balkan and Cumbia but they prefer to call it “Ethnic-Bass”.
This duet with Latin roots and Scandinavian influence shows the newest mixtures of the world music.
Danochilango, former dancer of The Royal Danish Ballet and DJ for more than a decade, create in his productions an harmonic balance between the analogue and the electronic by the use of acoustic instruments.
While Mambe conveys her activism through her vocals, she sings in Swedish, Spanish, Danish and English. Her melodic and powerful voice, bears a strong influence of her Colombian Roots, and her lyric fire words with a deep and profound social content.
Mambe & Danochilango Official Page
Mambe & Danochilango Facebook Page
See them LIVE 31th of August 2019 (after 21:00) at Det Turkise Telt
Song of the week: Mambe & Danochilango “Cumbia Universal”
You’ve Got 5 Options is a talk-show based Radio Program, where we discuss ordinary topics in an extraordinary way. Inspired by the idea that every challenge has 5 solutions, every transformation process has 5 steps and every great interview has 5 key questions, we have chosen FIVE as a common theme for every program we broadcast.
If you want to learn more about us, please don't hesitate to visit our webpage at https://the5options.com
You can also listen to us on Mondays & Wednesdays at 11 30 CET, and odd Fridays at 14 00 CET and 98,7 FM in Denmark or worldwide here: http://radiohuset.airtime.pro
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