In today’s episode, yet another dear friend of You’ve Got Options has shared his music with us; Antony Ryan, as a part of the Duo ISAN, has featured a single from their brand new album, released exactly the same day as our show! Apart from that, we dug into annoying colleagues and other people, mirroring and top ten most annoying things in life!
I have a colleague that I find really annoying. She’s usually very nice to people, but then she talks behind their back. Recently I was told she’s been gossiping about me, but then she’s super nice and sweet when we talk. Also, she likes to feed herself off somebody’s misery, she’ll literally put someone down in front of other colleges and management, to make herself look good.
Marta’s 5 Steps to Deal with an Annoying Co-worker:
Distance yourself and don’t take it personally
Take responsibility for your emotions
Step into your colleague's shoes
Look for lessons learned
Resolve the conflict internally or with the colleague
If someone is really annoying and they are not open to dialogue, there is nothing you can do to change it.
“When we want to look at ourselves, we have to use a mirror to gain a reflection of self in order to see our outer image from a perspective we wouldn’t be able to see if a mirror wasn’t available to us. Sometimes when we look in the mirror, we critique our appearance because our reflection offers us the opportunity to change what we see, if we deem that necessary. But how can we view ourselves beyond a physical level? How can we see inside ourselves? What mirror reflects the part of us that highlights on our triggers/reactions, our patterns, our yearnings, our unhealed wounds, our unconscious thoughts, or our deepest beliefs so we're more aware of what needs to be changed within ourselves?”
“People whose personalities and actions tend to push our buttons the most are generally our greatest teachers. These individuals serve as our mirrors and teach us what needs to be revealed about ourselves. Seeing what we don't like in others helps us look deeper inside ourselves for similar traits and challenges that need healing, balancing, or changing”.
The Ten Most Annoying Things in Life
INTRO and jingles for the show produced by Supermoon Music Recording Studio
“From minimalism to melody and back again, Isan have been navigating the aural Autobahn since a chance meeting brought together Robin Saville and Antony Ryan in 1996. With Robin based in England and Antony residing in Denmark, they creatively communicate via email, telephone and postcard. Notes are compared and directions assimilated or abandoned, they prefer to allow their sound to develop on its own." (…) Read more here
ISAN’s YouTube channel
ISAN’s website
ISAN’s Facebook
“From a Hundred” by ISAN
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