Ep 138: Burnout, Brules, Bulshitters and a beautiful Xhensila Reci

Episode 138 December 03, 2019 00:59:27
Ep 138: Burnout, Brules, Bulshitters and a beautiful Xhensila Reci
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Ep 138: Burnout, Brules, Bulshitters and a beautiful Xhensila Reci

Dec 03 2019 | 00:59:27


Hosted By

Anna Niescieruk Marta Rodriguez-Karpowicz

Show Notes

This time we discussed several B- concepts! Burnout and how to deal with it. Brules and what they really are. And then we stumbled upon some bullshitters. And all that in a great company of a friend of the show, beautiful Xhensila Reci and her ukulele.


Xhensila Reci and her Ukulele


Burnout- what is it, how does it feel, how to deal with it.


BRULES: Bullshit Rules: what are they really?



Four States of consciousness: Life happens to me, Life is created by me, Life happens through me, Life is me


Did we enter a new era of overpriced dreams sold by bullshitters and pseudo-entrepreneurs?

INTRO and jingles for the show produced by Supermoon Music Recording Studio


About Our Guest

Xhensila Reci is a designer, podcaster and community builder. Born and raised in sunny Albania, she moved to Denmark in her early 20's, to pursue the dream of creative higher education. What better place to study than Denmark - the design capital of the world. After graduating digital concept development she wants to make the world a better place, one design project at a time. Of course, all that while singing "Run the World (Girls)" and dancing salsa.

Xhensila’s website


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