Latest Episodes
Ep16 Five tips & tricks to have the most amazing Christmas & New Year
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! We want to take the opportunity to wish you all amazing Christmas and a wonderful New Year's Eve...
Ep 15 Five Christmas Challenges
It's Tuesday and Christmas is just around the corner! For many of us Christmas is a wonderful period, but apparently, it's also quite challenging!...
Ep14 Five ways to turn your lonely, post-divorce Christmas into a Christmas Miracle
It's Tuesday and Christmas is just around the corner! For many of us Christmas is a wonderful period, but there are also other people...
Ep13 Five scenarios to imagine when considering sugar dating
It's Tuesday and today we're solving Maddy's challenge! Maddy is wondering how many of the expats would go into sugar dating to finance their...
Ep12 Five Options for approaching relationship where you're the only one ready to go to the next level
It's Tuesday and today we're solving Alice challenge! Alice has been together with her boyfriend for almost 5 years, but she feels the relationship...
Ep11 Five Ways to Survive a Shitty Day
It's Tuesday & today we're solving Isabella's challenge! Isabella has been feeling under the weather lately, and since "The winter's coming" to Denmark the...